Effect of selected edible plant extract-based coatings on the shelf life of Cavendish bananas
Odetayo, T., Sithole, L., Shezi, S., Tesfay, S. and Ngobese, N.Z.
Acta Hortic. 1364, 55-62 DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2023.1364.7 (2023).
The primary purpose of postharvest management is to extend the shelf life of fruit while retaining their quality. The use of edible coatings to extend the shelf life of fruit is a technique that can be applied. This study evaluated the effect of edible coatings of moringa and Aloe vera extracts on the total soluble solids (TSS), weight loss, firmness, total phenolics and shelf life. Cavendish bananas were immersed in a coating solution containing Aloe vera 50% (AV) and Moringa oleifera 10% (MO). A 24-day postharvest experiment with 4-day sampling intervals was conducted to examine the effect of Aloe vera and moringa coatings on the storability of banana fruits at 24±1°C. Both coatings had a significant (p<0.05) impact on firmness, total soluble solids, and total phenolic content but a non-significant effect on weight loss. Aloe vera coatings slowed weight loss (25%), total phenolic loss (188 mg GAE g‑1 DW), firmness loss (46 N), and TSS (15 °Brix) rise compared to control samples which had weight loss of (27%), total phenolic loss (180 mg GAE g‑1 DW), firmness loss (35 N) and TSS (23 °Brix). Furthermore, the shelf life of Aloe vera and moringa coatings was longer by 4 days (24 days) compared to uncoated fruits (20 days). Aloe vera and moringa coatings, based on these findings, might be an efficient way to improve the shelf life of bananas.