Evaluation of physiological properties and texture traits of durian pulp using near-infrared spectra of the pulp and intact fruit
Onsawai, P., Phetpan, K., Khurnpoon, L., & Sirisomboon, P.
Measurement, 174, 108684.(2021).
This study aimed to investigate the feasibility of non-destructively predicting physiological properties (color, dry matter, and soluble solids) and texture properties (initial firmness, average firmness, rupture force, rupture distance, toughness, average penetrating force, and penetrating energy) of ‘Monthong’ durian using Fourier transform near-infrared spectroscopy of the pulp of the largest locule, the intact fruit at the largest locule, and the stylar end of the intact fruit. Based on partial least squares regression modeling, the internal quality evaluation of durian obtained by scanning the pulp could provide rough screening capability, with coefficient of determination of validation (r2), root mean square error of prediction (RMSEP), and the ratio of standard error of validation to standard deviation (RPD) values for the dry matter content, average penetrating force, and rupture force of 0.89, 3.60%, and 3.27; 0.73, 5.53 N, and 1.95; and 0.74, 6.15 N, and 1.96, respectively. Only the dry matter content of the pulp could be reasonably predicted based on scanning the intact durian fruit at the largest locule, with r2, RMSEP, and RPD values of 0.79, 5.23%, and 2.18, respectively. This finding could be applied at the first stage of trade between durian agriculturalists and exporters to prevent the exportation of immature durian and would be helpful for the industries producing frozen durian pulp and intact durian fruit for export.