
Postharvest application of potassium silicate improves keeping quality of banana

Dinusha Nayomi Nikagolla et al. (2019)


GRAS (General-Regarded-As-Safe) compounds play a considerable role in food industry to secure the food safety and environmental sustainability. Soluble silicon (Si) acts as a disease control agent for many plants. Climacteric pattern of ripening and postharvest diseases limit the shelf life of banana during transportation to local and overseas destinations. The ability of banana fruit to absorb Si upon postharvest dip treatment and if so, the absorption of Si confers any effects on disease reduction and keeping quality, were investigated. Banana dipped in 1500 µg mL⁻¹ silicon for 20 minutes showed longer shelf life among different Si concentration × dipping time treatment combinations. Si treatment resulted significantly lower rates of ethylene production, respiration and delayed time taken for fungal rot development compared to non Si- treated (control) fruit. Total soluble silicon content in peel tissues was significantly higher [0.54% dry weight (dw)] in Si-treated versus control fruit (0.13% dw). Si treatment had no effect on total Si content, total soluble solids (TSS) content, titratable acidity (TA) or antioxidant activity in banana fruit pulp. This indicates that dip-treatment allowed Si to penetrate and remain in peel
without reaching fruit pulp while extending the shelf life without altering the organoleptic properties of banana fruit pulp.