
Rice Flour Substitution with Banana Flour (Musa sapientum L.) in Rice Noodle

Aussawasathien Ch.
Thai Agricultural Research Journal, 23(3), 292–299. (2019). 


This research was to produce suitable quantity of banana flour to substitute rice flour in rice noodle conducted at the laboratory of the Siam University during 2004-2005. In the production of banana flour, the particle size was less than 150 µm and the yield was generally 96.51% obtained The chemical compositions of banana flour were 4.36% moisture, 2.80% protein, 1.06% fat 1.65% fiber, 2.23% ash and 87.9% carbohydrate. Experiment on rice flour substitution with banana flour was designed to use banana flour were 4.36% moisture, 2.80% protein, 1.06% fat, 1.65% fiber, 2.23% ash and 87.9% carbohydrate. Experiment on rice flour substitution with banana flour was designed to use banana flour at 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30% by weight of whole flour. The volume of 50 ml flour solution was used to from the noodle, of which thickness was 0.50 – 0.58 mm. The percentage of breaking noodle was 4.13, 7.40, 8.50, 9.00 and 9.30% of the ascender quantity of banana flour substitution. Rice flour substitution with 10% banana flour had the highest overall acceptability, and had the lowest breaking noodle 4.13 which is within the standard acceptable level. The chemical components of 10% banana flour substituted sample were 68.77 ± 4.24% moisture, 2.58 ± 0.11% protein, 1.68 ± 0.02% fat, 0.41 ± 0.01% fiber, 2.28 ± 0.04% ash and 24.28 ± 0.14% carbohydrate.