
Some characteristics of Hom Thong banana fruit spread as affected by calcium lactate addition

Tiwaporn Maneerattanasuporn & Siriporn Riebroy Kim.        
Prachacheun Research Network, Pathum Thani (Thailand). (2022).


The characteristics of ‘Hom Thong’ banana spread (HTS) as affected by calcium lactate addition were investigated. Chemical and physical properties of HTS produced at different concentrations (45, 50, and 55 Brix) and two commercial fruit spreads (brand A and brand B) were comparative studied. All HTS
samples had higher pH than commercial fruit spreads (p < 0.05). Among HTS samples, the increase in concentration affected on lowering of water activity. Textural properties of all sample were different (p < 0.05). HTS with 55 Brix exhibited the highest hardness and cohesiveness (p < 0.05). The results indicated that characteristic of fruit spread depend on fruit used, sucrose and other ingredients as well as processing technology. Total sugar, reducing sugar, color and sensorial properties of HTS sample were also investigated. When HTS concentrations increased, total sugar and reducing sugar increased (p < 0.05). The content of reducing sugar might related to color of HTS samples. Generally, 50 Brix HTS had greater likeness score of overall liking (p < 0.05) and it was chosen for the study of calcium lactate addition to fruit spread. Chemical, physical, and sensorial properties of HTS added with calcium lactate at 0%, 0.25%, 0.5%, and 1% were investigated. Increase in calcium lactate addition showed the decrease in pH value. However, no differences in water activity, total sugar and reducing sugar contents were observed (p < 0.05). HTS added with 1% of calcium lactate generally exhibited the highest L* and b* values than other samples (p < 0.05). When calcium lactate concentration increased, decrease in adhesiveness was observed (p < 0.05). From the results, calcium lactate could be dissociated to lactic acid and it might affect to pH lowering, browning reaction environment, and gelling structure of banana spread. HTS added with 1% calcium lactate had the highest likeness scores for appearance, color, odor, and taste (p < 0.05). Based on the experimental results, HTS obtained with 1% calcium lactate were better characteristics. Furthermore, the stability of HTS added with calcium lactate during storage at ambient temperature should be studied